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Enter the Next Generation
PCM Sound Module / ROMpler software
Purity is a next generation of digital musical instrument workstation and PCM Sound Module / ROMpler software. Purity is designed to realize and surpass the hardware musical instrument workstation perfectly on computer-based music production environments offering higher sound quality and more usability.
Very Low
CPU Load & Ram Usage
Forget Everything but Music!
Purity makes you concentrate on your music without being annoyed about anything not related to music. And Purity keeps the fame of the best software instrument with the lowest and most efficient CPU load and RAM usage. Purity will be the one of your best musical tools which can effectively express the musical idea and feeling that you have.
24 types of Insert Effect
Filters and EQ
Compressors, overdrive and distortions
Bit crusher, noise generator and stereo image
Chorus, flanger, phaser and wah-wah
Tremolo and auto-pan
Delays and reverbs
Integrated MIDI Keyboard
Position-to-velocity-sensitive 88-key
2 wheels – Pitch Bend / Modulation
Global Setup
Options for system resources
Options to identify user interface
Reviews & Testimonials

First of all, the intuitive interface is an impressive instrument. Basically, it’s simple, so I get used to it quickly, but I feel like it contains all the important functions that are essential. The sample sound also has a strong retro feel, especially because some sounds have a strong digital PCM feel, so I like it because it feels unique. Obviously, if you like music these days, this instrument may feel unfamiliar at first, but I think you will get addicted quickly if you use it for a few days. It’s a fun VSTi that you can play with like a toy because it’s light without any CPU burden.
SoundCloud / Youtube / Instagram

Can make creative sound because intuitive source mix. Effecting (Reverb, Delay and Filter..) quality is great. I’m working many 80s 90s retro music, Purity is very useful. Retro sounds like the Korg is impressive too.

This intuitive and familiar software PCM synth / ROMpler is greatest strength for who prefer comfortable & simple UI/UX hardware. Purity is easy, comfortable, simple. And more valuable because almost the only ROMpler software. In a glut of huge product on the market, although very low RAM usage, there are many purity sound like it’s name. Especially I recommended to beginner. Very low CPU load, intuitive pattern sequencer and reasonable price are strength points too.
편하고 단순한 UI/UX 의 하드웨어를 선호하는 이에겐, 더욱 쉽고 친숙하게 다룰 수 있는 것이 큰 장점인 소프트웨어 PCM synth / ROMpler 다. 쉽고 편하고 단순한데 ROMpler 소프트로서는 거의 유일한 존재라 더 가치가 크다. 너무 과한 기능과 용량들로 무장한 제품들 속에서 작은 용량이지만 이름처럼 순수한 사운드가 가득한 악기다. 특히 이제 막 음악을 시작하는 초보 뮤지션에게 더욱 추천하고 싶다. 매우 낮은 CPU 점유율과 직관적인 패턴 시퀀서, 그리고 합리적인 가격 역시 장점이다.

…That’s essentially the whole device. It does have a few other bits and pieces it does. But that’s really rather cool in that we’ve got a set of workble scratch pad sample sounds and that this rarther charitable little VA synth in there as well. And that we can mix and match those things. So compared to let’s say the JV XV 5080 at a couple hundred dollors or 20 a month or whatever, and this well. They’re not exactly in the same quality place as each other they’re surprisingly similar. And there are some cool things that this will do that the JV doesn’t and vice versa…

I love Sonic-Cat’s Purity! The interface is extremely intuitive and within minutes I was creating music. There is both an old-school and modern feel to the look and functionality of Purity. I am inspired by the rich palette of retro sounds and the limitless ways one can combine patches and even sequences. What was especially cool to find was the glitch free transitions that could be made between patch changes whilst playing! Perhaps the most remarkable thing is the Purity’s tiny footprint. In a package of less than 70MB this sound module packs a huge punch with rich sounds and is worth every penny. Plus won’t strain your CPU! I will definitely be incorporating Purity into my work flow. Kudos to the folks at Sonic Cat!
Composer, Professor of Berklee College of Music (Screen Scoring)
Home page / IMDb / Facebook

Purity is a 16-part multitimbral sound source with more than 1,300 tones, and has 24 high-quality effects and a sequencer sound source for each part, so the sound is very good. It is very convenient to be able to select a sound source quickly when providing a sound source or working on a commercial. Of course, the editing is perfect and you can create the tone. It is shining first in the audio plug-in rank! I think 5,000 yen is cheap with this. It is recommended!

When I started music work in the 90’s, PCM synth were wildly popular. So, as for Korg M1, some presets tone in itself move my emotion. Purity’s sound & GUI evoke feelings about something, and inpire me about creative. Tone control is easier than HW PCM synth. Challenging & modern sound can made easy by Purity’s SEQ on low CPU usage.
내가 음악을 처음 시작한 90년대는 PCM 신시사이저가 널리 유행하고 있었다. 그래서 Korg M1과 같은 악기들의 몇몇 프리셋들은 그 톤 자체만으로도 나의 감정을 움직이게 한다. Purity의 사운드와 UI 디자인은 나에게 같은 감정을 불러일으키고, 창작의 영감을 제공해 준다. 게다가 하드웨어 악기보다 훨씬 접근하기 쉬운 톤 컨트롤과 시퀀서 덕분에, 도전적이고 모던한 사운드도 아주 적은 CPU Load로 쉽게 만들 수 있다.
Music Producer, Guitarist ‘Jean Oh’, Band ‘Black String’, Professor of Music Seoul Institute of the Arts
Youtube / Instagram / Facebook

In the classical music composition environment, humans have played instruments, but in modern music production environments, computers and synthesizers are also new musical media that inspire and ask questions. Purity faithfully acts as a ROMpler, with easy access to sound synthesis and programming editing. I think Purity is a fast and wonderful tool for communicating with humans in modern music production environment.
古典音楽の作曲環境においては、人間は楽器を演奏してきましたが、現代の音楽制作環境においては、コンピューターとシンセサイザーは新しい音楽的媒体として人間にインスピレーションを与えたり、質問を投げかけたりもします。 PurityはRomplerとしての役割を忠実に果たしており、サウンドシンセシス、プログラミングエディティングにも簡単にアクセスできます。 Purityは現代の音楽制作環境で、人間とコミュニケーションを取る速くて素晴らしい道具だと思います。
Music Composer, Acoustic Designer, Jo Kazuhiro Laboratory, Kyushu University
Instagram / Facebook

Whenever I make a jingle for commercial music, I open Sonic Cat’s Purity first. As everyone knows, when making music, you need an instrument with a real tone, but you also need an instrument that quickly fills the gaps even if it’s not real. It’s as if a chair can be made of wood, but it can also be made of plastic.
Music Producer, DJ
SoundCloud / Youtube / Instagram

I love PCM/ROMpler sounds like as Kurzweil K2000r, Korg M1 and Yamaha TG77. But these vintage PCM synth sounds often doesn’t match with modern music, and edit functions are very difficult. PURITY is filled this vintage PCM sounds and making my own unique style of sounds is very easy at the same time. PURITY is modern ROMpler/PCM synth. And PURITY acts as mediators between vintage and modern sounds.
저는 Kurzweil K2000r, Korg M1 그리고 Yamaha Tg77과 같은 PCM 방식의 신디사이저가 주는 초창기 디지털 PCM의 느낌을 굉장히 좋아합니다. 하지만 가끔 그 빈티지 PCM 신디사이저의 사운드들은 모던 음악 메이킹에 어울리지 못할 때가 있고, 에디팅의 장벽이 너무 크게 느껴질 때가 있습니다. 퓨리티를 알게 되었을 때 저는 이 악기가 초기 PCM 신디사이저들의 그 무언가를 담고 있으며 나만의 유니크한 소리를 쉽게 만들 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 퓨리티는 모던 PCM 신디사이저로서 초창기 디지털과 모던 디지털 그 어떤 사이를 이어주는, 그 역할을 충실히 수행해 내는 VSTi입니다.
Music Producer, Sound Designer, Tutor, DJ
SoundCloud / Instagram

I have used Purity in my teaching studio for a number of years and it remains my favorite tool for getting students started in MIDI sequencing, composition, and orchestration, not to mention as a sketch pad in my own studio. The sounds are remarkably good, and the extended General MIDI set makes it even more useful. Under the hood are very usable chorus and reverb, surprisingly flexible programmability, and a large number of parameters that respond to MIDI controllers, making it an even more effective educational tool. You can’t beat the easy installation, the straighforward interface, the sound quality, and the price.
Senior Lecturer in Music / Director, Program in Music Engineering / Tufts University
Home page

…The VST I used for the piano is Purity, one of my favorite plugins. It has everything. It’s the only thing I have to use. I don’t really need any plugins other than that. I was definitely looking for something that bounced, something that would get people moving…
The Making Of NLE Choppa’s “Shotta Flow”. @Genius

…You right over it and then I went to Purity. I fought with Purity because they got sounds that you can manipulate a lot of people like they like sounds that’s already kind of made already. And sometimes I’d be willing to fault with this like not own gross beat or nothing like really full of this… Because you can add sounds on top of each other and then you could go in here and change how I play all the type of so I fought with Purity. So I went through the sounds and I was like damn you know what I should do I always wanted to do like art on my beats…
The Making of YNW Melly’s (Ft. Kanye West) “Mixed Personalities”. @Producergrind 2.0

…I was gonna make a simple banger. Like that was my goal. The first thing that I pulled up was Purity. I like using Purity, it’s like a lot of simple sounds. I just started with the chords. I use this sound a lot. It’s just pretty dry. It’s not too much reverb on it. So I just wanted like a pluck almost. It sound like ‘Jaws’. When was in the studio we said that. We was like, “It sound like ‘Jaws’.” Once I did that, I was like I’m not gonna really add any instruments into it…
The making of DaBaby’s “Suge”. @Genius

…The first thing I did when making this beat was opening the VST called Purity. Purity has a lot of sounds like a ambient sounds. After I found the sound, I then put Gross Beat on it. The Gross Beat just adds the “Umph” to it ‘cause you know 808 Mafia we extra…
The Making Of Future’s “March Madness”. @Genius

…I really started with like two chords okay that’s kind of like… She was. It’s Purity. Bamboo2. I like plucks lying like a nut and a lot of my beats. I like flute she. I don’t like too much heavy she. So there’s real light something that. I did look I’m not with piano. Just sunlight she. I like a lot of melodies in she…
The Making of Lil Keed’s “It’s Up Freestyle”. @Producergrind 2.0

…Sometimes, I’ll have a beat in my head but with me, it starts with the sound first rather than me thinking about the pattern. If I like the sound, I’m just gonna go crazy. So originally, I started with this pad. The pad was a plug in called Purity. I’ve been using for a long time. Because when I started making beats, I couldn’t get Omnisphere and all that big stuff because I didn’t have the right space for the computer but now you know, we loaded…
The Making Of Lil Baby & Drake’s “Yes Indeed”. @Genius

…My third VST is actually going to be Purity… I just think it’s got some really cool like fantasy type if not the sounding stuff so. Also in my experience this VSTi does not use very much processor at all. Especially in comparison to like on Atmosphere something like Kontakt or you know any of the big really demanding VSTis. So if you don’t have the best computer and you’re going for some for of like dreamy kind of emotional type beat vibes…
The Top 5 BEST VSTs of 2018. @KBeaZy

…I like the workstation approach they have setup within Purity, and the sound quality is kicked up a notch from the original Ravity plugin. Some of the samples could have been produced a little better, but many of them sound great, especially for the file size. This also translates to quick loading times for the presets, and the CPU usage is low…

For fifty dollars, you get a synth that feels like a genuine workstation, with sounds covering all musical genres, and an arpeggiator and sequencer that would make any virtual analog enthusiast weep. I’ve resisted the urge to make P-puns long enough; now I leave you with this: Purity is nearly Purrfect.
A video game music composer. @SoundCloud

…So far, then, all we’ve seen from Purity are 90s hardware keyboard features that really should have been left in the past. Luckily, however, the soundbank quickly improves, featuring some useful phrases and sequences that bring the workstation right up to date… Loads of great sounds Very efficient Incredibly easy to use Good synth sections…

…It’s a very versatile setup, that should work whether you prefer multitimbral synths, or (the standard VST) one-synth-per-track style which would give you 16 patch layers. …Having said all that, I still _love_ the sound of Purity. I have no need of emulating ‘real’ instruments. What I want is a tool for crafting new sounds that are inspiring and unique. The kind of sounds that can carry a whole track, and Purity delivers that…
First of all, the intuitive interface is an impressive instrument. Basically, it’s simple, so I get used to it quickly, but I feel like it contains all the important functions that are essential. The sample sound also has a strong retro feel, especially because some sounds have a strong digital PCM feel, so I like it because it feels unique. Obviously, if you like music these days, this instrument may feel unfamiliar at first, but I think you will get addicted quickly if you use it for a few days. It’s a fun VSTi that you can play with like a toy because it’s light without any CPU burden.
SoundCloud / Youtube / Instagram
Can make creative sound because intuitive source mix. Effecting (Reverb, Delay and Filter..) quality is great. I’m working many 80s 90s retro music, Purity is very useful. Retro sounds like the Korg is impressive too.
This intuitive and familiar software PCM synth / ROMpler is greatest strength for who prefer comfortable & simple UI/UX hardware. Purity is easy, comfortable, simple. And more valuable because almost the only ROMpler software. In a glut of huge product on the market, although very low RAM usage, there are many purity sound like it’s name. Especially I recommended to beginner. Very low CPU load, intuitive pattern sequencer and reasonable price are strength points too.
편하고 단순한 UI/UX 의 하드웨어를 선호하는 이에겐, 더욱 쉽고 친숙하게 다룰 수 있는 것이 큰 장점인 소프트웨어 PCM synth / ROMpler 다. 쉽고 편하고 단순한데 ROMpler 소프트로서는 거의 유일한 존재라 더 가치가 크다. 너무 과한 기능과 용량들로 무장한 제품들 속에서 작은 용량이지만 이름처럼 순수한 사운드가 가득한 악기다. 특히 이제 막 음악을 시작하는 초보 뮤지션에게 더욱 추천하고 싶다. 매우 낮은 CPU 점유율과 직관적인 패턴 시퀀서, 그리고 합리적인 가격 역시 장점이다.
…That’s essentially the whole device. It does have a few other bits and pieces it does. But that’s really rather cool in that we’ve got a set of workble scratch pad sample sounds and that this rarther charitable little VA synth in there as well. And that we can mix and match those things. So compared to let’s say the JV XV 5080 at a couple hundred dollors or 20 a month or whatever, and this well. They’re not exactly in the same quality place as each other they’re surprisingly similar. And there are some cool things that this will do that the JV doesn’t and vice versa…
I love Sonic-Cat’s Purity! The interface is extremely intuitive and within minutes I was creating music. There is both an old-school and modern feel to the look and functionality of Purity. I am inspired by the rich palette of retro sounds and the limitless ways one can combine patches and even sequences. What was especially cool to find was the glitch free transitions that could be made between patch changes whilst playing! Perhaps the most remarkable thing is the Purity’s tiny footprint. In a package of less than 70MB this sound module packs a huge punch with rich sounds and is worth every penny. Plus won’t strain your CPU! I will definitely be incorporating Purity into my work flow. Kudos to the folks at Sonic Cat!
Composer, Professor of Berklee College of Music (Screen Scoring)
Home page / IMDb / Facebook
Purity is a 16-part multitimbral sound source with more than 1,300 tones, and has 24 high-quality effects and a sequencer sound source for each part, so the sound is very good. It is very convenient to be able to select a sound source quickly when providing a sound source or working on a commercial. Of course, the editing is perfect and you can create the tone. It is shining first in the audio plug-in rank! I think 5,000 yen is cheap with this. It is recommended!
When I started music work in the 90’s, PCM synth were wildly popular. So, as for Korg M1, some presets tone in itself move my emotion. Purity’s sound & GUI evoke feelings about something, and inpire me about creative. Tone control is easier than HW PCM synth. Challenging & modern sound can made easy by Purity’s SEQ on low CPU usage.
내가 음악을 처음 시작한 90년대는 PCM 신시사이저가 널리 유행하고 있었다. 그래서 Korg M1과 같은 악기들의 몇몇 프리셋들은 그 톤 자체만으로도 나의 감정을 움직이게 한다. Purity의 사운드와 UI 디자인은 나에게 같은 감정을 불러일으키고, 창작의 영감을 제공해 준다. 게다가 하드웨어 악기보다 훨씬 접근하기 쉬운 톤 컨트롤과 시퀀서 덕분에, 도전적이고 모던한 사운드도 아주 적은 CPU Load로 쉽게 만들 수 있다.
Music Producer, Guitarist ‘Jean Oh’, Band ‘Black String’, Professor of Music Seoul Institute of the Arts
Youtube / Instagram / Facebook
In the classical music composition environment, humans have played instruments, but in modern music production environments, computers and synthesizers are also new musical media that inspire and ask questions. Purity faithfully acts as a ROMpler, with easy access to sound synthesis and programming editing. I think Purity is a fast and wonderful tool for communicating with humans in modern music production environment.
古典音楽の作曲環境においては、人間は楽器を演奏してきましたが、現代の音楽制作環境においては、コンピューターとシンセサイザーは新しい音楽的媒体として人間にインスピレーションを与えたり、質問を投げかけたりもします。 PurityはRomplerとしての役割を忠実に果たしており、サウンドシンセシス、プログラミングエディティングにも簡単にアクセスできます。 Purityは現代の音楽制作環境で、人間とコミュニケーションを取る速くて素晴らしい道具だと思います。
Music Composer, Acoustic Designer, Jo Kazuhiro Laboratory, Kyushu University
Instagram / Facebook
Whenever I make a jingle for commercial music, I open Sonic Cat’s Purity first. As everyone knows, when making music, you need an instrument with a real tone, but you also need an instrument that quickly fills the gaps even if it’s not real. It’s as if a chair can be made of wood, but it can also be made of plastic.
Music Producer, DJ
SoundCloud / Youtube / Instagram
I love PCM/ROMpler sounds like as Kurzweil K2000r, Korg M1 and Yamaha TG77. But these vintage PCM synth sounds often doesn’t match with modern music, and edit functions are very difficult. PURITY is filled this vintage PCM sounds and making my own unique style of sounds is very easy at the same time. PURITY is modern ROMpler/PCM synth. And PURITY acts as mediators between vintage and modern sounds.
저는 Kurzweil K2000r, Korg M1 그리고 Yamaha Tg77과 같은 PCM 방식의 신디사이저가 주는 초창기 디지털 PCM의 느낌을 굉장히 좋아합니다. 하지만 가끔 그 빈티지 PCM 신디사이저의 사운드들은 모던 음악 메이킹에 어울리지 못할 때가 있고, 에디팅의 장벽이 너무 크게 느껴질 때가 있습니다. 퓨리티를 알게 되었을 때 저는 이 악기가 초기 PCM 신디사이저들의 그 무언가를 담고 있으며 나만의 유니크한 소리를 쉽게 만들 수 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 퓨리티는 모던 PCM 신디사이저로서 초창기 디지털과 모던 디지털 그 어떤 사이를 이어주는, 그 역할을 충실히 수행해 내는 VSTi입니다.
Music Producer, Sound Designer, Tutor, DJ
SoundCloud / Instagram
I have used Purity in my teaching studio for a number of years and it remains my favorite tool for getting students started in MIDI sequencing, composition, and orchestration, not to mention as a sketch pad in my own studio. The sounds are remarkably good, and the extended General MIDI set makes it even more useful. Under the hood are very usable chorus and reverb, surprisingly flexible programmability, and a large number of parameters that respond to MIDI controllers, making it an even more effective educational tool. You can’t beat the easy installation, the straighforward interface, the sound quality, and the price.
Senior Lecturer in Music / Director, Program in Music Engineering / Tufts University
Home page
…The VST I used for the piano is PURITY, one of my favorite plugins. It has everything. It’s the only thing I have to use. I don’t really need any plugins other than that. I was definitely looking for something that bounced, something that would get people moving…
The Making Of NLE Choppa’s “Shotta Flow”. @Genius
…You right over it and then I went to Purity. I fought with Purity because they got sounds that you can manipulate a lot of people like they like sounds that’s already kind of made already. And sometimes I’d be willing to fault with this like not own gross beat or nothing like really full of this… Because you can add sounds on top of each other and then you could go in here and change how I play all the type of so I fought with Purity. So I went through the sounds and I was like damn you know what I should do I always wanted to do like art on my beats…
The Making of YNW Melly’s (Ft. Kanye West) “Mixed Personalities”. @Producergrind 2.0
…I was gonna make a simple banger. Like that was my goal. The first thing that I pulled up was Purity. I like using Purity, it’s like a lot of simple sounds. I just started with the chords. I use this sound a lot. It’s just pretty dry. It’s not too much reverb on it. So I just wanted like a pluck almost. It sound like ‘Jaws’. When was in the studio we said that. We was like, “It sound like ‘Jaws’.” Once I did that, I was like I’m not gonna really add any instruments into it…
The making of DaBaby’s “Suge”. @Genius
…The first thing I did when making this beat was opening the VST called Purity. Purity has a lot of sounds like a ambient sounds. After I found the sound, I then put Gross Beat on it. The Gross Beat just adds the “Umph” to it ‘cause you know 808 Mafia we extra…
The Making Of Future’s “March Madness”. @Genius
…I really started with like two chords okay that’s kind of like… She was. It’s Purity. Bamboo2. I like plucks lying like a nut and a lot of my beats. I like flute she. I don’t like too much heavy she. So there’s real light something that. I did look I’m not with piano. Just sunlight she. I like a lot of melodies in she…
The Making of Lil Keed’s “It’s Up Freestyle”. @Producergrind 2.0
…Sometimes, I’ll have a beat in my head but with me, it starts with the sound first rather than me thinking about the pattern. If I like the sound, I’m just gonna go crazy. So originally, I started with this pad. The pad was a plug in called Purity. I’ve been using for a long time. Because when I started making beats, I couldn’t get Omnisphere and all that big stuff because I didn’t have the right space for the computer but now you know, we loaded…
The Making Of Lil Baby & Drake’s “Yes Indeed”. @Genius
…My third VST is actually going to be Purity… I just think it’s got some really cool like fantasy type if not the sounding stuff so. Also in my experience this VSTi does not use very much processor at all. Especially in comparison to like on Atmosphere something like Kontakt or you know any of the big really demanding VSTis. So if you don’t have the best computer and you’re going for some for of like dreamy kind of emotional type beat vibes…
The Top 5 BEST VSTs of 2018. @KBeaZy
…I like the workstation approach they have setup within Purity, and the sound quality is kicked up a notch from the original Ravity plugin. Some of the samples could have been produced a little better, but many of them sound great, especially for the file size. This also translates to quick loading times for the presets, and the CPU usage is low…
For fifty dollars, you get a synth that feels like a genuine workstation, with sounds covering all musical genres, and an arpeggiator and sequencer that would make any virtual analog enthusiast weep. I’ve resisted the urge to make P-puns long enough; now I leave you with this: Purity is nearly Purrfect.
A video game music composer. @SoundCloud
…So far, then, all we’ve seen from Purity are 90s hardware keyboard features that really should have been left in the past. Luckily, however, the soundbank quickly improves, featuring some useful phrases and sequences that bring the workstation right up to date… Loads of great sounds Very efficient Incredibly easy to use Good synth sections…
…It’s a very versatile setup, that should work whether you prefer multitimbral synths, or (the standard VST) one-synth-per-track style which would give you 16 patch layers. …Having said all that, I still _love_ the sound of Purity. I have no need of emulating ‘real’ instruments. What I want is a tool for crafting new sounds that are inspiring and unique. The kind of sounds that can carry a whole track, and Purity delivers that…
Windows :
- Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 / 11
- Intel or AMD 32-bit / 64-bit Processor
- 100MB free disk space
- VST (2.4), Stand-alone (ASIO, WDM/KS, DirectSound)
Mac :
- macOS 10.9 or higher
- Apple or Intel 64-bit Processor (Universal Binary 2)
- 100MB free disk space
- VST (2.4), AudioUnit 2 (AU2)